
wake, work, eat, work, eat, work, sleep

holy shitballs!

It is now about 1 am, and i am just now settling in for the night. how do other people do this...? i am so exhausted, mentally and physically, that i found it very difficult this evening to get up the energy to get dinner!!! and that is something HUGE in my world. i love food! we are in the process of redesigning our expo booth for work, and with all the thousands of balls in the air that involve just that, now lets add in the usual expo crap that needs to get done, and oh yeah... all the other regular work that is expected of me... wait: now lets add in an independent movie, which i over-eagerly agreed to help out with, the website for that, establishing what the hell we need to do next, and then finding the resources and time to do them. Wow, did that sound like complaining? i don't really mean it to, but where the hell did all this stuff come from? one minute, i am resting and relaxing in Belfast with Stephen, and the next, I can't find my way through the pile of bills that are stacking up, or the ever present cold that refuses to leave my system! grrrrr updates on all these projects to come as they slowly make their way out of my high stress levels, and after i manage to get a full nights rest!

but there is some good news in there somewhere:

this blog is being written by an official college graduate! woohooo! i received the diploma in the mail today, and i couldnt be more chuffed (as stephen would say). all those painful years of studying and spending money - packaged up into an 8.5 by 11 piece of paper. at least they managed to spell my name right. woohoo! go me!

1 comment:

McGrathy said...

Man alive, you're one busy lady!

Don't forget to make time for my buddy Henry. That guy's the world's smallest ninja.

Congrats again on your academic success. You're now officially a smart cookie.