
Happy Christmas!!

Well, another 3 months have passed and nothing really new to say.
Considering i managed to make my last post on the anniversary of my mother's passing and not know it has to be a good thing. right? or did i?

Well, it is Chrimbo night and i am at home alone in my cold apartment, far from anyone, sipping red wine and watching fantastic movies. I can't imagine anything better, oh wait, yes i can. ;)

The heating gets turned on December 30th, and until then i live in a constant state of 55-65 degrees. Henry loves it. He has a built in black fur coat. i don't. btw, for all those 3 of you out there, it got down to 43 degrees tonight and it is friggin' cold! we had snow on our mountains (hills) a few nights ago. it's cold.

But seriously, life has been ok for the last few months. I still can't spell for the life of me, and i have no tolerance for typos, but work has been good and play has been so-so. if i were to take a survey of my life now, i would be pretty satisfied. albeit, there is no leading man (at least not on my own continent). i play dodgeball once a week, when i remember to bring proper clothes, and i enjoy my friends and hearing all about the fun and life they are involving themselves in. pssst. liz has boyfriend. drama, but i'm excited to someday meet this fellow.

blogging is fun when i find the time to sit down and brag about my fabulous life. hehe just kidding. its tedious and daunting. but i will make a point of keeping up with it as much as i can. i like to hear about those i am connected with, and can only hope they feel the same. even if they don't necessarily connect with me back... story of my life.

which i am writing, so those of you beware, you might be fodder for my visit to oprah when she adds me to her list. .. oh this is fun, talking to no one and yet everyone at the same time.

i will see you all in the new year! Happy Christmas and a fantastic new year to all of you!

i love you all!
