
keeping it going...

i know that im not the first person to ever request this, but i would really really like to have a few more hours in the day. maybe its just for this month, or this time of year, i dont know... but i feel so strapped for time. by the time i first look up from my desk every day at work, its lunch time - like i really have time to get that organized and eaten.. haha lunch ends up being around 2-3, late enough to destroy a regular dinner time, and late enough for me to be on my last legs of sanity. i must admit that i am very much at fault for taking on more than i can handle with freelancing, etc. maybe i should start charging for these services, so that maybe i can take a day or two off from regular work...hmm... i just dont think that my real work would be willing to not see me at my desk... i think they might even be considering a ball and chain...

1 comment:

Neil J M said...

Where I work, the phone headsets are wired with a proximity trigger. If we move more than five feet away from the phone at any time, we receive a powerful electric shock via implants in our heads. Also, if we're caught reading any non-company literature at our desks, we are not allowed to eat for the day.

Consider yourself lucky.