Hiya Katie. How are ya? I've been keeping up to date with you through your blog (can't see the cool stuff though cos I do it in work and their shitty system won't let me :( ) Anyway, I've started my own blog now and I've added you on (I actually added you ages ago but didn't realise you're supposed to let folk know you've done it - not called Flash for nothing you know!!) I don't post much but come fly me anyway (It's Robyn by the way!)
Haha loving this comedy. You should put up more of your favourite funny-men!
And keep up the posting. To get you restarted, I've tagged you in my latest post. Wasn't that nice of me!
Hiya Katie. How are ya? I've been keeping up to date with you through your blog (can't see the cool stuff though cos I do it in work and their shitty system won't let me :( ) Anyway, I've started my own blog now and I've added you on (I actually added you ages ago but didn't realise you're supposed to let folk know you've done it - not called Flash for nothing you know!!) I don't post much but come fly me anyway (It's Robyn by the way!)
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